Using Sound Notifications
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Using Sound Notifications
I would like to install a sound notification using this tutorial.
I have a sound that I'd like to use for the sound notification, but I don't know where I can upload it to use it. Is there a place within the Admin Panel for uploading sounds?
My forum is phpBB3.
I have a sound that I'd like to use for the sound notification, but I don't know where I can upload it to use it. Is there a place within the Admin Panel for uploading sounds?
My forum is phpBB3.
Last edited by timberella on October 8th 2020, 5:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: Using Sound Notifications
You add your sound in this part of the template coding:
It replaces the part that says your sound.
Use the mp3 one.
- Code:
<audio id="sound"> <source src="you_sound"/> </audio>
It replaces the part that says your sound.
Use the mp3 one.
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Re: Using Sound Notifications
Thank you for the code.
The sound file is on my computer. I don't know where to upload it.
Can I upload a sound file in the Admin Panel?
The sound file is on my computer. I don't know where to upload it.
Can I upload a sound file in the Admin Panel?
Re: Using Sound Notifications
Maybe this:
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Re: Using Sound Notifications
@SLGray @skouliki Thank you for the links. I was able to get my sound uploaded.
Going back to the tutorial:
I found the <head> line in the code, but I do not have <body> in my overall_header template.
Also, is this code supposed to add a bell icon to the toolbar as in the tutorial screenshot? Yesterday, when I installed only the Javascript, I saw text on the toolbar not the bell icon and I'd like the bell icon to appear as in the screenshot.
Going back to the tutorial:
I found the <head> line in the code, but I do not have <body> in my overall_header template.
Also, is this code supposed to add a bell icon to the toolbar as in the tutorial screenshot? Yesterday, when I installed only the Javascript, I saw text on the toolbar not the bell icon and I'd like the bell icon to appear as in the screenshot.
Re: Using Sound Notifications
Please post your template here using the code tags.
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Re: Using Sound Notifications
@SLGray, is this what you mean?
- Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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href="{URL_BOARD_DIRECTORY}/search/improvedsearch.xml" title="{SEARCH_FORUMS}"/>
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/* Definir le sens de direction en fonction du panneau admin */
var tickerDirParam = "{switch_ticker.DIRECTION}";
var slid_vert = false;
var auto_dir = 'next';
var h_perso = parseInt({switch_ticker.HEIGHT});
switch (tickerDirParam) {
case 'top' :
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case 'left':
case 'bottom':
slid_vert = true;
auto_dir = 'prev';
case 'right':
auto_dir = 'prev';
slid_vert = true;
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var width_item = Math.floor(width_max / {switch_ticker.SIZE});
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if ($(this).width() > width_item) {
var ratio = $(this).width() / width_item;
var new_height = Math.round($(this).height() / ratio);
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var height_max = h_perso;
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height_max = $(this).height();
$('ul#fa_ticker_content').width(width_item).height(height_max).css('marginLeft', 'auto').css('marginRight', 'auto');
$('ul#fa_ticker_content li').height(height_max);
vertical: slid_vert,
wrap: 'circular',
auto: {switch_ticker.STOP_TIME},
auto_direction: auto_dir,
scroll: 1,
size: {switch_ticker.SIZE},
height_max: height_max,
animation: {switch_ticker.SPEED}
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$('ul#fa_ticker_content li:not(:first)').css('display', 'none');
$('ul#fa_ticker_content li:first').css('list-style', 'none').css('text-align', 'center');
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"left": windowWidth / 2 - popupWidth / 2
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#page-footer, div.navbar, div.navbar ul.linklist {
display: block !important;
ul.linklist li.rightside, ul.linklist li.rightside a.copyright {
display: inline !important;
BEGIN switch_ticker_new
.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item {
text-align: center;
width: 10px;
.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item-horizontal {
margin-right: {switch_ticker.SPACING}px;
.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item-vertical {
margin-bottom: {switch_ticker.SPACING}px;
END switch_ticker_new
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<div class="module">
<div class="inner">
<span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
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Re: Using Sound Notifications
Maybe it is this?
- Code:
<body id="phpbb">
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Re: Using Sound Notifications
@SLGray, that may be it, I'll try that.
Okay, so I added the two lines of code into the overall_header template. Then I installed the Javascript. I sent a PM to myself to test, and I do NOT see a bell icon as is shown in the tutorial screenshot. I see text on my toolbar where a bell image appears in the tutorial screenshot.
Do I at least have the code correct for the sound?
Okay, so I added the two lines of code into the overall_header template. Then I installed the Javascript. I sent a PM to myself to test, and I do NOT see a bell icon as is shown in the tutorial screenshot. I see text on my toolbar where a bell image appears in the tutorial screenshot.
Do I at least have the code correct for the sound?
- Code:
<audio id="sound"><source src=""/></audio>
Re: Using Sound Notifications
Well, did you hear the sound when you tested it?
Question, did you read this?
Question, did you read this?
This may have problems if you have made a lot of change to your templates.
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Re: Using Sound Notifications
@SLGray, there are hardly any changes to the templates. And no, I didn't hear any sound.
@Ape, that's a good question. I saved the changes, but I don't know if I published it, so I will go back and check that.
Edit: No, I hadn't published the template, but I just did. The bell icon shows on the toolbar and displays as in the tutorial screenshot.
I am hearing the sound now so that is all good.
The problem I'm having now is that I hear the sound, but I do not receive the notification on my toolbar until I refresh my page. Any suggestions for getting the toolbar to refresh itself so that I don't have to refresh my page?
@Ape, that's a good question. I saved the changes, but I don't know if I published it, so I will go back and check that.
Edit: No, I hadn't published the template, but I just did. The bell icon shows on the toolbar and displays as in the tutorial screenshot.
I am hearing the sound now so that is all good.
The problem I'm having now is that I hear the sound, but I do not receive the notification on my toolbar until I refresh my page. Any suggestions for getting the toolbar to refresh itself so that I don't have to refresh my page?
Re: Using Sound Notifications
Sadly The Notifications Don't show up until you refresh and right now there is no way to fix that.
I think this was reported before but right now it's something we have to live with.
I am glad you got the bell and the sound to work now.
If the main problem is solved please scroll to the top of the page and mark it solved.
I think this was reported before but right now it's something we have to live with.
I am glad you got the bell and the sound to work now.
If the main problem is solved please scroll to the top of the page and mark it solved.
Re: Using Sound Notifications
You're welcome.
Problem solved & topic archived.
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