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Can't use previous domain name after expiration

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In progress Can't use previous domain name after expiration

Post by Santosan January 1st 2021, 12:07 pm

Hi, best of wishes for 2021.

Domain name expired around October, tried to use 1200 credits to retrieve it but the message i get is that this domain name is already in use. I can use .com or .org.

Thanks in advance.
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In progress Re: Can't use previous domain name after expiration

Post by Jucarese January 1st 2021, 12:46 pm

The domains have only a few days to recover them, in your case they are months, so it is normal that you can no longer buy it because it would go on sale and they would have bought it, if you must buy a new one, but for that you must also buy one of the forumotion packages
to be able to do it, otherwise your domain will not work in your forum.
You can also send a private message with the address of your forum and your founder email and the address of the domain that you had before to a Staff and they can ask at the office if you could still recover your old domain.


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In progress Re: Can't use previous domain name after expiration

Post by SLGray January 1st 2021, 9:21 pm

Your PM has  been received  with thanks.
Please read our forum rules:  ESF General Rules

Can't use previous domain name after expiration  Slgray10

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In progress Re: Can't use previous domain name after expiration

Post by SLGray January 4th 2021, 9:53 pm

Sorry, but the domain name has already been taken by someone else.

Can't use previous domain name after expiration  Slgray10

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Male Posts : 51608
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