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How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages?

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How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? Empty How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages?

Post by teachersupplysolutions July 27th 2018, 11:24 am


I want to change the word 'forum' wherever it appears to the word 'noticeboard'. Can I do this?


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How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? Empty Re: How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages?

Post by The Godfather July 27th 2018, 11:32 am


You would change the word "forum" to the word "noticeboard" inside the topic content (all messages and posts of the members)? Or only in the meta tags like the <title> for instance?

Can you post the URL of your forum in order to be sure to well understand your problem please? How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? 1f609
The Godfather
The Godfather

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How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? Empty Re: How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages?

Post by brandon_g July 27th 2018, 12:33 pm


Why did you open a new topic for this? Isn't this the same problem as this: .

Please only have 1 topic per issue.

How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? Brando10
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How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? Empty Re: How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages?

Post by teachersupplysolutions July 27th 2018, 5:12 pm

I want to change the forum e.g. 'Permissions in this forum.'

Posts : 51
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How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages? Empty Re: How can I change the word 'Forum' on the any of the pages?

Post by skouliki July 27th 2018, 6:29 pm

teachersupplysolutions wrote:

I want to change the forum e.g. 'Permissions in this forum.'

for a different issue please open a new thread

brandon_g wrote:Hello,

Why did you open a new topic for this? Isn't this the same problem as this: .

Please only have 1 topic per issue.

topic locked / please continue here
Only have 1 topic per issue.

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