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creating an area for global and stickies

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In progress creating an area for global and stickies

Post by Mrs Jessica Cintron October 13th 2021, 4:43 pm

hello everyone, I have been having this issue for a while. ANd a few people that I know who have a forum doesn't want to help me. They say it in there rules in there forum that if you have a forum that they can not help anyone at all to build up other people's forum. i am not fond of that. I have everything done but I see in teh configuration settings of teh admin panel that it talks about global and stickies announcements, but it doesn't show me to create one. Can anyone please help me figure this out?, I have version © phpBB forum. I see that they have the 2 and 3 version. I never used those before. If you can help me can you show me in screenshots on what comes first then so forth?. Thank you in advanced.
Mrs Jessica Cintron
Mrs Jessica Cintron
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In progress Re: creating an area for global and stickies

Post by TonnyKamper October 13th 2021, 6:13 pm

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In progress Re: creating an area for global and stickies

Post by skouliki October 13th 2021, 7:35 pm


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